The seeker
As the sunset hit dawn. An old forgetful man named Alex was wondering the valley with his dog Betsy, looking to find things that could be useful. One day as he was exiting the valley, he tripped over something mysterious.
After he and Betsy had their dinner, Alex remembered to see what he had tripped over. Dunn, Dunn , Dunn! Surprise it was a rock in a box! “Huh?,” he said, “What is this solid, um oh i know its a stick, a hat.” So he carried on guessing and at precisely 6 o’clock Alex finally gave up and at a certain point it had started pouring with rain. “Quick jump up on my arm Betsy, lets go seek for shelter”, Alex said. But after a few hours Alex and Betsy the dog were soaking wet. Not long away from where they were Alex remembered there was a shelter called “Survivals”.
Half an hour later Alex and Betsy arrived at the place named Survival. They caught a glimpse of a tiny sign... No Dogs allowed! So there was a slight change of plans, they went all the way back to valley. They found themselves even more soaking wet and also a disgusting smell had developed. Moving on Alex and Betsy were so cold they had to make themselves squeeze through a medium size cardboard box and cover themselves with newspaper. They drifted off to sleep. After 3 hours of sleeping in the cold Alex and Betsy finally woke up.
It was still raining Alex and Betsy had to figure out how they were going to find shelter....Later Alex spotted
something....he grabbed a hammer and started combining metal and banging them together also adding to rotten, molding rotten sticks, two humungous sheets of bubble rap with a lot of holes with some patches here and there. Some old, empty cans of coca cola for decoration and hey presto there was their shelter problem fixed.
They fell asleep not long after the shelter collapsed. While this happened Alex and Betsy were still asleep this was a good thing. Luckily they weren't awake or they would have been angry.
At the end Alex and Betsy found another seeker his name was.........
If you enjoyed part 1 I guarantee you would love part 2.
By Matelita
Well done Matelita.